




03 - 2022


Align /

From first impressions to online interactions before you can say 'The Studio'.

Applying a process that solves real business problems, rather than following a rigid plan which treats every challange the same.

Discovery Meeting

This is a time for you to ask questions and share your ideas, so that I can tailor the services to meet your unique requirements. Done through a conversation over Zoom.

UX Workshop

UX workshop is designed to help me understand the challenge you're facing and define project goals and outcomes that align with your business objectives.

Product and Brand Strategy

Leverage the insights gained from our discovery and UX workshop to develop a comprehensive strategy that guides us towards the outcomes you desire.

Design and Prototyping

Using my experience and the strategy we’ve defined to create identities, screen designs, and prototypes. I conceptualise and iterate through weekly sprints.

Technology & Engineering

I engineer in-house, giving me the ability to build with speed, in parallel to my design process, resulting in a fully integrated development and implementation process.

In more detail...

My web design process starts with defining my goals and target audience. This helps me create a website that is tailored to the needs and preferences of the people I want to reach. I also consider important design elements such as interactivity, typography, motion, touch, optimization, accessibility, and design.

Once I have a clear understanding of my objectives and target audience, I move on to planning the structure and content of my site. This involves creating a site map and wireframes, which help me visualize the layout of my pages and how they will be connected. I also ensure that I am incorporating interactive elements that are relevant to the content and not too overwhelming.

Next, I start designing the actual look and feel of my website. This involves choosing colors, typography, images, and other visual elements that will make my site appealing and user-friendly. I also make sure to keep accessibility in mind, so that everyone can easily access and use my site. Motion graphics are also incorporated to add life to the website and make it more memorable.

As I work on the design, I keep testing and refining it to ensure that it meets my goals and is easy for users to navigate. This might involve getting feedback from beta testers, conducting user surveys, or using analytics tools to track how people interact with my site. I also optimize my website to ensure it loads quickly and performs well on different devices.

Finally, once I’m happy with the design, I launch my site and continue to monitor it for usability and performance. This helps me make ongoing improvements and keep my site up-to-date with the latest design trends and user needs. I also ensure that my website is designed for touch, using larger buttons and providing clear and concise feedback when an element is touched.

Overall, my web design process is focused on creating a website that looks great, works well, and meets the needs of my target audience. I also make sure to design for accessibility, using clear and descriptive alt text for images, providing text alternatives for non-text content, and using a color contrast ratio that is legible for users with visual impairments.

A couple things I try to pay attention to

Overall Design

Design is the foundation of web design and affects how users interact with the website. When I'm designing a website, I consider the target audience and objectives, stay up-to-date with design trends and best practices, and regularly test and analyze the design to make sure it's meeting its goals.


Typography is a critical part of web design because it communicates the brand's message and sets the tone of voice for the website. To make sure I'm using typography effectively, I choose fonts that are easy to read and create a hierarchy of text to guide the user's eye. I also make sure to use consistent typography across all pages of the website.


Designing for touch is a must in web design because so many people use touchscreen devices. To make sure the website is user-friendly, I use larger buttons and provide clear and concise feedback when an element is touched. I also optimize touch interactions for different device sizes.


Motion is an awesome way to add life to a website and make it more memorable. When I'm incorporating motion graphics, I try to strike a balance between engaging motion and user experience. I also make sure to test these graphics on different devices to ensure they work well and don't negatively affect website loading time.


Optimizing a website is super important because it affects how quickly the website loads and how well it performs on different devices. I make sure to optimize images, minimize HTTP requests, and reduce the size of CSS and JavaScript files. I also regularly monitor and analyze website performance to make sure it's functioning optimally.


Accessibility is a key consideration in web design because it ensures that the website can be used by everyone, including people with disabilities. I design for accessibility by using clear and descriptive alt text for images, providing text alternatives for non-text content, and using a color contrast ratio that is legible for users with visual impairments. I also test the website with assistive technology to make sure it meets accessibility standards.





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